Western Buggy and Stage Coach Lot (3)
The Following three buggy and stage coaches, are being offered as one unit.
#1 Chilcoot, California. Small western stage or buggy, c1890-1900.
Chilcoot, California. Small western stage or buggy, c1890-1900. Two bench seats. Tongue and accoutrements intact about 14’ long. The small stage still has some original gold lines (“gingerbread”) along the edges of the original red painted sides and interior, with yellow highlights, particularly on the wheels and tongue. The yellow and gold highlights on the sides and back are weak, such that it is difficult to define what was once there, other than generic patterns. There is no manufacturer’s plaque present. The stage was thought to op- erate between Chilcoot and Beckworth, and possibly other locations in Sierra Valley around 1890-1900. It has been stored in a barn for many decades before WW2 and since. Damage to the leather and wood is minimal considering the age and the fact that it sat in an unpro- tected old barn, not a professional storage facility. FOB Chilcoot.
#2 Two seat surrey or buggy, leather seats and front kerosene lights, c1890-1900.
Two seat surrey or buggy, leather seats and front kerosene lights, c1890-1900. This buggy is in relatively excellent condition, having been professionally stored as part of a major western collection. About 12 feet long. It is currently stored in Moundhouse, Nevada, and originated in Carson Valley area, where the old owner’s took rides on it around their ranch “in the old days.” It was then in storage for two more generations. The Surrey has two ker- osene lights attached to the front, classic relics of the 1890s. Most of the surreys available recently are all one seat examples, a much smaller surrey than the two offered here. They are also on the east coast, never used out here in the West, while these three are unques- tionably western in origin. In fact, the fact that they do not have a makers plaque may indicate they were made at a smaller wagon/surrey facility out west.
#3 Two seat Surrey in excellent condition, inclusive of the top with fringe.
Two seat Surrey in excellent condition, inclusive of the top with fringe. Possibly reuphol- stered red seats, about 14’ long, also professionally stored in Moundhouse. This surrey was once owned by Steve McQueen and his wife Barbara Minty. Besides McQueen’s
well known massive collection of exotic cars, airplanes and motorcycles, actor Steve McQueen and his third wife, Barbara Minty kept horses and assorted wagons and buggies at their 15 acre ranch in Santa Paula, California. It was reported that Mc- Queen allowed the mayor of one of the southern California coastal cities to use the buggy in the 1970s for the local 4th of July parade. It was acquired by a former Santa Barbara police officer several decades ago, then subsequently sold to a Nevada col- lector about 2005.

We are offering this unique lot of wagons and buggies for $28,000 (delivery not included and will vary depending on your location).
Interested inquiries please contact our office at 775-851-1859 or email info@FHWAC.com